A list of FAQs to help you find our some more information regarding our auctions.
Hamilton Road office opening hours
Our offices at 117 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe are open between the hours of 9.00am and 5.45pm Monday to Friday, and between 9.00am and 2.30pm on Saturdays. A member of staff will be happy to be of assistance with any enquiries you may have, take details and pass enquiries on to one of our auctioneers for there attention.
What times do the auctions commence?
All of our auctions commence at 10.00am and do not stop for lunch
How many lots do you sell an hour?
Whilst an exact figure cannot be given, we estimate that we sell between seventy and one hundred lots per hour depending on the type of sale, telephone bids etc.
How to buy
All persons wishing to bid at one of our auctions must either be known to the auctioneers or register with Diamond Mills & Co. A registration must consist of Name, Address and Telephone Number, plus in some instances proof of ID may be requested. Once you are registered, there are a number of ways you may bid for an item at auction.
Attend the sale
If attending the sale you may bid in the standard auction procedure of attracting the auctioneers attention whilst a lot is being sold and continue to bid up to your maximum level. If you bid on numerous lots and are successful you will be able to pay for all lots towards the end of the sale.
Leaving a commission or absentee bid
If you are interested in bidding for a lot but are unable to attend the sale, we are happy to accept on your behalf a commission bid which should be for the maximum amount that you would be prepared to pay for the lot in question. Commission bids can be accepted by emailing nigel@diamondmills.co.uk, by faxing 01394 671791 or by telephone 01394 282281. All bids should be the maximum hammer price and please note the additional buyers premium of 10% - 15% + VAT
Telephone bids
We endeavour to accept telephone bids wherever possible for lots with an estimate of £500 or above. Telephone bids are subject to line availability and, if successful, the buyers premium.
Condition reports, photographs & estimates
Wherever possible we are happy to supply condition reports, photographs and estimates for items entered in our auctions. In order to receive requested information, please email our office at nigel@diamondmills.co.uk no later than 24 hours prior to an auction and we will endeavour to answer enquiries at the earliest convenience. We regret that we cannot guarantee to reply to enquiries raised after 10am on the day prior to the day of a sale being held.
Our auctions will be advertised locally at both our Hamilton Road office ant the Auction Rooms in Orwell Road. Additionally, sales are advertised in the East Anglian Daily Times and Antiques Trade Gazette as well as on line at our website and also the-saleroom.com
When will auction results be available?
Auction results are usually available by telephoning our office from 5pm onwards on the day of the sale.
All hammer prices are subject to a 10% - 15% + VAT buyers premium depending on the type of auction being held
Payment for goods purchased is by cash, cheque or bank transfer only and must be paid in UK Pounds. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT HAVE CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD FACILITIES. All payments must be made on the day of the auction if buyer is in attendance, or alternatively within five working days for commission or telephone bids.
Collection of goods after payment has been received is on the day of the sale until 4.30pm, the day after the sale 9.00am - 4.00pm and the Friday after the sale 9.00am - 1.00pm. All other collection times are strictly by appointment. In some instances, upon request from the purchaser, smaller items can be transported to our main office at 117 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe which is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.45pm and Saturdays 9.00am - 2.30pm
Due to vast quantities we regret that we are unable to offer a postage and packaging facility and purchasers must make their own arrangements for the collection of goods. We are pleased to recommend MAILBOXES ETC 01277 200098, 01206 368881 or via email info@mbebrentwood.co.uk info@mbecolchester.co.uk
Depending on the value and quantity of items being sold, our charges for selling are based on 10% - 15% of the hammer price + VAT. Additionally each lot incurs a lot fee of £2 plus 1.5% insurance.
When To Expect Payment
If you are selling lots in our auctions and a successful sale materialises, you will receive payment from Diamond Mills & Co approximately 21 to 28 days after the sale date, providing that full payment has been received by Diamond Mills & Co for the items sold. With your settlement cheque will be a statement detailing what your item / items sold for together with any charges which have been incurred.